5 Reasons to Rob The Cradle…er…Date a Younger Man
Dating a younger man may be taboo, but people have been doing it for years. Mrs. Robinson? Donna Martin and David Silver? Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher?
Obviously, they are doing it for a reason.
Got a younger dude? Friends making fun of you for robbing the cradle?
Ignore them and keep that boy around! Here are 5 great reasons why:
1. More energy.
Okay, so this isn’t true for all younger guys, but they generally DO have more energy and enthusiasm than their more aged counterparts. That means they’ll usually be happy to try new things, they’ll expend a lot of energy doing things to impress you, and they won’t necessarily be as quick to complain as older guys will.
2. Youthful exuberance and enthusiasm.
Remember: to a younger guy, you are “the older woman.” Even if they deny it, the relationship will always be a little bit like The Graduate to them. They’ll be happy to have you, and they’ll brag to all their buddies that they’re dating you. Instead of being just another girlfriend, you’ll be a point of pride.
3. You can take the lead.
Sometimes, it’s true that the older you are, the more experienced you are. You can take that in whatever context you want, but it’s true for a variety of things. If you’re a college graduate and your guy is still in his senior year, you can give him great grad-school or job-searching advice. Basically, the lead is there for you to take in the relationship.
4. They’ll be loyal.
This is also an arguable point, but especially if you’re a lot older than the guy (say, five years or more), you can bet he’s not dating you just for kicks. Odds are, there’s something about you (yes, the essence of you—not your looks, and not your cash or job security) that he likes, and that’s important for building loyalty in a long-lasting relationship.
5. They die later.
Is this morbid? Because it’s true. If you’re dating a younger guy and you feel like there’s a possibility the two of you might stay together for a long, long time, you won’t necessarily have to worry about being a widow at the age of 50 because your dude was 20 years older than you. Women live longer than men. Date a younger guy. ‘Nuff said.
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